Digital Business Consultant

Pivotal Point Social



Pivotal Point Social aimed to solve an ongoing issue with brand awareness on the Instagram platform. Brands can put out amazing content, but it nobody sees it. Imagine a billboard on a vacant street where there is no traffic. That billboard can be as fancy and as creative as possible, but nothing will come of it. The challenge for Pivotal Point is to help clients take their desolate and non-viewed Instagram content to massive audiences just like the billboards on time square… Millions of eyes watching, thousands converting, and hundreds purchasing.



Pivotal Point provides tactics and strategies to position a brand on instagram with a consistent increase in engagement metrics. We grow users accounts to increase likability and credibility by the audience. After building that rapport, we convert them to a community group or landing page. This solution allows any personal brand to build attention at scale and convert their audience online to their chosen call to action.