Digital Business Consultant


Marketing attribution is the key to a happy business owner.

The yelling and frustration rumble the office as the CEO screams in confusion, “WHY are we not seeing results?? WE have given you three months to grow our marketing and to provide us leads, but we have yet to break even to your large retainer?? We don’t know if you are doing well or not and we are tired of hearing your opinions.. GIVE US METRICS!!!.”

This was fortunately NOT an interaction with one of my clients, but is a common frustration shared by business owners when they look to expand their company. They reach out to a marketing agency to help gain clarity and scale with their marketing efforts. The argument above is what I wish to save you from in this letter..

ATTRIBUTION: attribution is defined as a set of user interactions that contribute in some manner to a desired outcome.

What the CEO wanted in his rant was visibility on the attribution. He wanted to see what actions users took on the various platforms. He couldn’t tell if a lead came from an Instagram ad or from their recent conference talk. He had no visibility on the lead to customer path. Attribution in a marketing strategy is vital. It allows us to measure every touchpoint that our prospects have. We can know if they read an email, then after saw in ad and watched how many minutes of a webinar video. Those ratios and measurements of each touchpoint give the marketing team a baseline to improve upon.

Now the attribution thing sounds great above, right? But I am wanting to focus on my business... How can I have my marketing team understand? How can I easily explain to them my need?


All you need to do is hire us instead ;)

Jokes aside there is a simple way to get your marketing team or agency on track. Tell them you are looking for visibility on marketing and want to see reports on attribution. Even throw them for a loop when you mention a word like “Google Analytics” or even crazier... “Google Attribution 360”. Once their jaws come back to their face, you can move forward with a decision. Either they start accounting for their actions or they need to find a new account.

If you have more questions on attribution or what to look out for as a business owner when dealing with marketers... feel free to reach out with any questions!

Thank you, Derek Hurtado

Derek Hurtado